Workers operate the T130 drill machine, which is digging a hole for trapped miners to escape from. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A frame grab shows the drill bit of a machine, the T 130, after being removed from the escape hole. (Photo: Ho New/Reuters)
A precision drilling machine that will dig an escape hole for the 33 miners who are trapped deep underground inside the copper and gold mine. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Workers lower supplies to the miners. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
A miner's helmet lies on a rock decorated with names of some miners at the camp where relatives of the 33 miners trapped deep underground inside a copper and gold mine are staying. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
A relative of one of the miners trapped underground lights a candle outside the mine at Copiapo. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Candles are seen lit behind a religious statue in front of which relatives pray for the 33 miners. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A nun walks through a campground where relatives of trapped miners are living as the rescue operation continues in Copiapo. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Maria Segovia, sister of Mario Segovia, one of the 33 miners trapped underground in a copper and gold mine, arranges her tent in the makeshift campground as digging to rescue the miners continues. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Magaly Mena, sister in law of Dario Segovia, one of the 33 miners who are trapped deep inside a copper and gold mine in an accident on August 5, reads a letter sent from him, at the relatives camp near Copiapo. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Camila Campillay, granddaughter of Mario Gomez, one of the 33 miners trapped in a copper and gold mine, walks with her mother Romina Gomez (not pictured) in their camp. (Photo: STR New/Reuters)
Guadalupe Alfaro, mother of trapped miner Carlos Bugueno, displays a Chilean flag signed by all 33 of the trapped miners and sent to the surface up the hole through which they receive all their supplies as they await rescue. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
A truck travels along a road to the San Jose copper and gold mine at Copiapo. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A miner from San Jose mine digs a hole in the ground before setting up a banner in support of 33 trapped miners and their families in Copiapo. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A Chilean flag printed with the portraits of the 33 miners trapped underground inside a copper and gold mine flutters near the precision drilling machine (C) that will dig a escape hole for them. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Andre Sougarret, the head of the team of workers, talks via video conference with Mario Sepulveda, one of the 33 trapped miners in a copper and gold mine at Copiapo. (Photo: Ho New/Reuters)
Pictured are a precision drilling machine (R) and the T-130 drill machine (L, rear) which has dug a 12 inch guide hole to a garage next to the refuge where 33 miners are trapped deep underground inside a copper and gold mine near Copiapo. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A work team prepares the land where a special drill, the Xtrata 950, which will dig an escape hole for the 33 miners who are trapped underground in a copper and gold mine. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
Workers prepare a video camera (C) to check on miners trapped in a deep underground copper and gold mine. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
Workers operate a T130 drill machine which is digging a tunnel to extract the 33 trapped miners from a copper and gold mine in Copiapo. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A drill machine, the Xtrata 950 (C), that will dig an escape hole from the top of a hill where 33 miners are trapped underground in a copper and gold mine is seen at Copiapo. (Photo: Ho New/Reuters)
Fishermen from the coastal town of Caldera offer a meal to relatives of miners trapped underground since August 5. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Workers load a tube used for sending supplies to 33 miners trapped in a deep underground copper and gold mine at Copiapo. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
A Schramm T130 Drill, normally used to bore water wells. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
Workers talk in front of the Precision Drilling machine (rear), which is digging a hole to rescue 33 trapped miners from a copper and gold mine. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
Workers check a drill bit of the Precision Drilling machine which is digging a hole. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A crane lifts a capsule that will be used as part of rescue operations at the camp for the miners' relatives at the San Jose copper and gold mine. (Photo: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
A worker tests a capsule that will be used as part of rescue operations at the camp for the miners' relatives at the San Jose copper and gold mine. (Photo: STRINGER Chile/Reuters)
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